CSR News

The Ayeyarwady Center, 400-bedded Covid-19 Treatment Center in Thuwanna, built within (7) days by the Ayeyarwady Foundation with the guidance of the Ministry of Health and Sports, has started receiving and giving treatments to Covid-19 positive patients on the evening of 19th September, 2020.

The Ayeyarwady Center contained treatment units to accommodate (400) patients at the same time, Intensive Care Unit, Duty Room (Control Center), one store building for medical equipment and supplies, bathrooms and restrooms, Examination Rooms, Protective Chambers to take Swab Test, lounges for health workers and volunteers, washing machine, PPE changing rooms and bathrooms with lockers and disinfection systems, Dormitories for about (150) health workers and volunteers, CCTV monitoring system, fire alarm system and fire extinguisher, PA system, QR Code Registration System, facilities for video communications between doctors and patients, large generators for providing sufficient electricity, proper waste disposal system and catering facilities.

The center arranged private rooms with bedding, hospital lockers, tables, chairs, power outlets for convenient use of electronic devices, litter box, plastic box containing 21 kinds of accessories for each individual, drinking water, easily available hot water and cold water. Each dormitory contains small storage cabinets to provide additional daily accessories as needed.

In addition, the management office of the Ayeyarwady Center has been opened in the Myanmar Football Federation building, so that the center's treatment activities can run smoothly, enabling to fulfill requirements on time, receiving and distributing cash and in kind donations.

The Ministry of Health and Sports provided the necessary hospital equipment for the Ayeyarwady Center, and additional requirement of hospital equipment, medicines and other supplies are organized by the Ayeyarwady Foundation with the support of well-wishers who donated cash and in kind.

19 Sep 2020

In an effort to conserve the steady flow free from algae, garbage wastes, unwanted soil residues from forming, Ayeyarwady Foundation have contributed for three consecutive years for the conservation of  Inle Lake, one of top icons for Myanmar tourism and Myanmar environmental image, placed in the Shan Hills of Myanmar.

The foundation had steadily supported a multipurpose amphibian dredger‎ (HITACHI ZX210K-3 Amphibious Excavator) and a professional staff over three years to eliminate common emergence of aquatic weeds, such as water iris, bulrush, tule, cattail, and water-borne algae.

Along with the vision of conservation for Inle Lake, Ayeyarwady Foundation also supported to build connecting roads between thirty-four villages since 2016, which means supporting 800 million MMK for the costs of working process.

10 Jun 2020

During the current covid-19 pandemic, AYA Bank has provided necessities such as rice bags and cooking oil to each member of 2,200 non-clerical staff from head office and branches through the ‘Sharing with Care’ program. 

With a total of seventy-five million Kyats (MMK 75,000,000), which all senior officials contributed a proportional percentage of their income, the non-clerical staff will be able go through the pandemic comfortably with this kind of provision. ‘Sharing with Care’ program extended heartfelt thanks to our Board of Directors, senior management members, heads of departments and divisions for their kind contribution and consideration.
Furthermore, during this week of April 2020, (15,000) rice bags worth four hundred million Kyats (MMK 400,000,000) was donated through the regional and state governments for use in the areas in need, all over Myanmar, due to COVID-19.

In addition, AYA Bank has been taking further steps in combating Covid-19 such as establishing a health insurance fund for health workers and providing support for living and transportation, donation of necessary protective equipment for hospitals and provision for facility quarantine centers and refreshments for those returning from abroad.

08 Apr 2020

As per direction from U Zaw Zaw, Founder Chairman of the Ayeyarwady Foundation, and board members, arrangements have been made to donate (15,000) bags of rice worth four hundred million Kyats (MMK 400,000,000) through the regional and states governments. Commencing from 6th April 2020, donation of (2,500) bags of rice to the Yangon Region Government, (2,500) to the Mandalay Region Government, (1,000) to the Sagaing Region Government, (1,000) to the Bago Region Government, (1,000) to the Kayah State Government, a total of (8,000) bags of rice have been donated. We will continue to donate (7,000) rice bags to the remaining regions and states in the coming days.

The Ayeyarwady Foundation has been actively participating in combating COVID-19 outbreak in the country, providing health insurance, accommodation, and transportation support for health workers. In addition, we are providing necessary protective equipments for hospitals, quarantine center facilities and refreshments for people returning from abroad. The Foundation has spent more than eight hundred and thirty million Kyats (MMK 830,000,000) for COVID-19 support.

06 Apr 2020

Ayeyarwady Foundation has donated the fund for Health Insurance worth 500 Million MMK for Caregivers in Myanmar, who are actively working relentlessly across the country to contain and fight against the COVID-19 spread. This funding was realized after the discussion between Dr. Myint Htwe, Union Minister for Health and Sports and U Zaw Zaw, Chairperson of the Ayeyarwady Foundation and AYA SOMPO Insurance Company Limited. This Health Insurance Benefit Fund is aimed at the front line health care workers working at the hospitals and various areas across the country respectively to feel safe for their health while caring for the patients during the crisis of COVID-19. Moreover, the Foundation has provided services at the AYA Bank’s Training Centre for their accommodation, daily meals and transportation services ferrying the doctors and nurses from Waibargi Hospital, who are currently facing the difficulties of commuting and lodgings.


02 Apr 2020

A ‘Global Environmental Information Display’ photo exhibition was taking place at Novotel Yangon Max Hotel, Yangon, from 12-9 December as a project of the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) under the title "Towards a Solution to Eliminate Plastic" with the objective of promoting public awareness of the problems caused by waste, which is one of the environmental issues today.

The opening ceremony of the Global Environmental Information Display, held on 9th December 9:00 am at Novotel Yangon Max Hotel, 4th floor, was attended by officials from J-UNEP, SRIREP, Executives from Max Myanmar Group and AYA Bank and other interested parties.

The photo exhibition, display for 4 days will present information and photos on environmental changes, is open to public. It was organized by Japan Association for United Nation Environmental Program (J-UNEP), Public Interest Incorporated Foundation Associates of the Earth (AOE), and Research Institute for Humanity and Nature (RIHN) and sponsored by Max Myanmar Group and AYA Bank.

09 Dec 2019

Charity is not about wealth. . .
We have things that we can donate that are more valuable than money. . .
The blood flowing through our body is invaluable as it can save the life of a person in need.

Blood donation is a noble donation and we can get many benefits, such as 
1. Reducing the incidence of cancer;
2. Supporting for weight loss;
3. Replenishment of blood;
4. Reducing cholesterol;
5. Boosting red blood cell production and
6. Mentally rejuvenated.

This year's blood donation program was held on 10th August, 2019, to commemorate the 9th anniversary of the establishment of AYA Bank. A total 271 employees of the Bank participated in the noble blood donation were provided with foodstuff necessary regain energy. In support of this program, 100 Plus Myanmar also donated drinks.

10 Aug 2019

Education program for drivers and passengers to comply with road safety rules such as driving at the specified speed on expressways and wearing seat belts was jointly organized by AYA Bank, AMI, AYA Trust, Max Myanmar and Max Highway on 7th July, 2019 at the Htauk Kyant Toll Gate from 7:30 AM to 9:00 AM.

This program includes applying reflective stickers to vehicles passing through the toll gates as an alert to avoid traffic accidents, sharing road safety knowledge to passengers and distributing key chains as gifts.

On 6th July 2019, road safety programs were also conducted at Mhawbi Toll Gate. The programs which benefit society will be extended in the future as well.

‘Your life is important and invaluable both for yourself and your family.’

Since driving during the rainy season is very dangerous, drive with care to keep others and yourself safe.


07 Jul 2019

AYA Bank actively participated in the community walk campaign organized by the Golden Rose Cancer Foundation under the guidance of the Ministry of Health and Sports and the Yangon Region Government, today to commemorate the World Cancer Day which falls on 4th February 2019.

The campaign entitled "I AM AND I WILL", organized by International Cancer Control Organization for 2019-2021 commemorative years, was included in the program held today with cancer awareness talk program.

At the ‘World Cancer Day’ community walk campaign more than 1,700 people from various organizations, including government and non-governmental organizations. As a trusted partner, AYA Bank actively participated in such activities for the benefit of the people.

04 Feb 2019