AYA Bank, driven by its core values, has set forth four strategic goals that form the foundation of its strategic direction, proven to be successful throughout the years. These goals are aligned with the bank's commitment to delivering exceptional value to its customers:

For Customers

To achieve high level of customer satisfaction by,

  • Providing honest, efficient and courteous service
  • Offering a full range of products and services
  • Providing easy accessibility in terms of reach and delivery channels
  • Employing technology as the enabler for all customer service endeavors

We are committed to making a positive impact in the communities we serve by fostering fair and responsible banking practices. Whether individuals, business owners, or entrepreneurs, we are dedicated to providing personalized guidance and advice at scale, empowering our customers to make informed financial decisions and build long-term financial wellness and resilience.

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Mission, Corporate Values and Brand Value

At AYA Bank, we leverage our expertise to proactively identify and seize opportunities on behalf of our customers. Through a deep understanding of the financial landscape and market dynamics, we aim to provide strategic guidance and support that enables our customers to capitalize on favorable prospects and achieve their financial goals.

Social Sustainability

For Community

To be a good corporate citizen and build long term sustainable and active engagement with the community we serves

Our strategic goal for the community encompasses the following principles:

  • Demonstrating Our Values: We firmly believe in upholding our values and operating in a transparent and ethical manner. We actively engage with the public, fostering open communication and providing insights into our operations and decision-making processes.

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UNGC Commitment

At AYA Bank, we deeply understand the importance of contributing to the well-being of our communities and the individuals who call them home. To fulfill this responsibility, we have established a comprehensive Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Policy that guides our actions and ensures the generation of value for all stakeholders.

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Corporate Social Responsibility

For Staff

To ensure a highly competent and dedicated workforce by implementing transparent policies, and fostering staff well-being and goodwill

Our strategic goal for staff encompasses the following principles:

  • Equality and Inclusivity: We are deeply committed to creating a workplace that upholds equal rights, responsibilities, and opportunities for all genders. We actively promote gender equality and have been honored with the globally recognized EDGE Certificate for Gender Equality awarded by the Business Coalition for Gender Equality (BCGE) Association.

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AYA Culture

The well-being and safety of our employees are of paramount importance. We recognize the significance of creating a clear workplace health and safety program that not only protects our employees but also prevents accidents and injuries.

By implementing robust health and safety policies and procedures, we ensure compliance with government legislation related to health and safety.

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Employee Development

“ Young people need confidence to express their ideas which could improve the Bank. They need to seek opportunity to talk openly. They need to find a room for creativity. They need to be courageous to share their initiatives. For the benefit of the Bank and to accelerate its growth, I would like to encourage young people to come up with innovative ideas and plans. ”

U Zaw Zaw, Founder and Chairman

For Shareholders

To build sustained shareholder value through rapid growth, international standards of governance, risk and compliance

Our strategic goal for shareholders focuses on the following principles:

  • Governance, Risk, and Compliance: Our Board of Directors and executive management team work in close collaboration to ensure that we comply with relevant laws, regulations, and industry best practices. We have established effective governance structures that provide guidance for sound decision-making, accountability, and transparency.

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Governance Framewok

Transparency and commitment to our shareholders are top priorities for us. We strive to build trust through open and transparent communication channels. By providing accessible, accurate, and timely information, we ensure that our shareholders are well-informed about the company's performance, strategy, and key developments. We strictly adhere to our duties to inform shareholders, fulfilling our responsibilities to provide comprehensive and reliable information.

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