Commitment towards Sustainable and Inclusive Future

We take immense pride in being one of the signatories of the UN Global Compact (UNGC), the world's largest initiative designed to steer corporations towards practices fostering a sustainable and inclusive future. As active participants in the UNGC, we regularly provide updates on our progress concerning the implementation of the UNGC's Ten Principles and the activities we undertake in line with them.

Pledge from the Chief Executive Officer of AYA Bank PCL

Ayeyarwady Bank Public Company Limited (AYA Bank PCL), as Myanmar's one of the largest bank by customer deposits, loans and advances, capital, branches, and customer count, marches steadfastly towards a sustainable future. The integration of sustainability into our core business practices presents a significant challenge; however, with our principle-based approach, we believe that overcoming these hurdles is well within our reach.

As a signatory of the UNGC, we strive to align our operations with fundamental responsibilities in areas such as human rights, labor relations, environmental protection, and anti-corruption measures. By integrating the UNGC's Ten Principles into our strategic approach, policies, and procedures, and by cultivating a culture of integrity, we are not only upholding our fundamental duties towards the people and planet but also laying the groundwork for long-term success. We are dedicated to continuously improving our efforts to minimize any adverse environmental impacts on the communities we serve.

Through multiple initiatives, AYA Bank has been tirelessly working towards enhancing internal governance standards and building credibility and brand value. We remain dedicated to developing a comprehensive corporate social responsibility framework within our business model and ensuring compliance with all UNGC principles aligned with best current practices.

We would like to share a summary of our progress in adhering to the Ten Principles. We further pledge to communicate this information to our stakeholders via our various communication platforms.

Adherence to UNGC's Ten Principles by AYA Bank

Human Rights

AYA Bank has formulated the Code of Ethical Conduct and an Employee Handbook, providing clear guidelines to all employees and offering a standard communication framework for all stakeholders.

  • AYA Bank continues to promote and uphold human rights norms and respect fundamental human rights for all our stakeholders.
  • As the bank expands its retail network, our advocacy efforts will reach nationwide.
  • Our Whistleblowing policy encourages voicing concerns about any wrongdoing or malpractice.

  • AYA Bank remains committed to not assisting in any form of human rights violations.
  • Our Human Rights and Code of Ethical Conduct guidelines derive from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Ten Principles of the UNGC.
  • We provide ongoing awareness training and offer various channels for staff and stakeholders to express concerns and provide feedback.


AYA Bank is proud to be an "Employer of Choice" with over 6000 employees as of 31st May 2023. We recognize our human capital as the driving force behind our growth to 265 branches within 12 years.

  • We promote a conducive and rewarding work environment, emphasizing transparency in our procedures and processes when dealing with our employees and customers.

  • AYA Bank continuously reviews policies and guidelines for transparency and compliance with ILO core labour principles concerning forced labour and underage workers.

  • We have the Child Labor Principle in place as part of responsible business conduct.
  • Our Human Rights Procedures ensure vendors follow "No Child Labor Standard".

  • AYA Bank has received EDGE Certification for our commitment to gender equality, diversity, and inclusion.
  • Our workforce has a 33 percent representation of women on the board of directors and a labour force participation rate of 45 percent men and 55 percent women.


AYA Bank places a high emphasis on environmental sustainability, incorporating environmentally oriented thinking into our banking operations, lending, products, services, and community activities.

  • We introduced 'SME Green Financing' to support the transition to clean energy and environmental benefits.
  • We are offering the financing for Solar energy system which has a measurable effect on the environment.
  • Our suppliers must sign a mandatory SCP (Supplier Code of Conduct Policy) to reduce negative environmental impact.

  • AYA Bank goes green by promoting paperless services and products through technological advancements.

  • We strive to reduce our carbon footprint, setting goals and practices on energy use, waste reduction, offering digital services, and incorporating guidelines on reducing environmental impact into our training programs.


Under the Myanmar Anti-Corruption Law 2013, AYA Bank has a stringent Anti-Corruption Policy, taking strict measures against corruption and ensuring transparency in all business activities.

  • AYA Bank has implemented anti-bribery and anti-corruption policy, ensuring effectiveness along the supply chain.
  • We maintain a watchful eye on all financial transactions, identifying any irregular activities, and have clear whistleblowing procedures in place.

Last Updated – June 2023