Corporate News

AYA Bank Organized Industrial Visit for Students

Posted on July 28, 2023

We are pleased to share that in continuation of our endeavor to support the next generation, we welcomed a very promising undergraduate students from Myanmar Noble University College to AYA Bank’s Riverview Head Office on July 27, 2023. The aim of the initiative is to help students learn about the latest technology trend, to give exposure about the practical aspects of banking industry and to understand opportunities available after school.

During the visit, U Minn Wint Oo, Managing Director of Banking Operations and Retail Banking at AYA Bank, graciously shared his extensive knowledge of the industry and highlighted the corporate milestones achieved by the bank. He encouraged the students to make the most of this opportunity, allowing them to gain deeper insights into the workings of banking operations and the ongoing digital transformation within the industry. The visit was attended by a total of thirty-six students who had the opportunity to explore and tour the bank's premises.

We firmly believe that this industrial visit served as a bridge between the theoretical knowledge imparted in the classroom and its practical application in the real-world industry setting. By exposing the students to the inner workings of a leading bank like AYA Bank, we hope to empower and inspire them to make informed career choices and pursue opportunities in the banking sector.

At AYA Bank, we remain committed to fostering the growth and development of the younger generation, and we look forward to organizing more insightful initiatives in the future to empower students on their educational journey.