If you are operating a business with ongoing capital requirements, we offer a full range of loan packages to suit your property financing needs. We work closely with business clients in advising on appropriate credit facilities and tenors in alignment with their business nature.

Basic Requirements your company should meet,

Good credit scores

Healthy financial records coupled with sound purposes for utilizing loans

All prerequisites requested from AYA Bank

What We Offer

CAPEX Financing / Assets Acquisition Financing

Time to fuel your business for the next stage of growth

You have vision but require a large amount of financing to invest in fixed assets?

We have tools to make it happen. AYA Bank offers CAPEX loans, either short, medium or long term, which do not have a fixed date for repayment. It carries a floating interest rate which may varies according to the prime rate.

Features and Benefits

Up to 12 months of financing, with loan extension option available up to 3 years.

It can be considered under business loans, trade advances, inventory funding, loans against share & securities etc. This would be reviewed from time to time by the Credit Committee.

Fees and Charges

Interest rate 13% - 14.5% per annum
Facility fee 1% - 2% per annum

Working Capital Financing (Overdraft – OD)

Do you have ongoing working capital requirements? You are at the right place!

Does your business need a working capital for the day-to-day running of the business? Perhaps need financing for payroll? Or making payments for operational expenses?

AYA Bank’s working capital financing offers a solution to cover short-term internal business expenses.

Features and Benefits

Best suited for businesses with inconsistent cash flow.

Loan Tenure: 1 year (Yearly renewal)

Calculation of interest rate is based on the utilization of loan amount

Fees and Charges

Interest rate 12% - 13% per annum
Service Fee 0% - 1% per annum

Demand Loan

Enjoy convenience of demanding repayment at any time

If you are looking forward to boosting your capital investment or business expansion, let us help you grow your business! AYA Bank offers Demand Loan to SMEs and Corporates for fixed asset purchases, capital expenditure purchases and industrial building construction, etc.

Features and Benefits

Loan Tenor is up to 3 years

Loan amount is up to MMK 1 billion for SME, starting from MMK 1 billion for corporates

It can be considered under business loans, trade advances, inventory funding, loans against share & securities etc. (subject to be reviewed by the Credit Committee)

You can apply for either short, medium or long term which do not have a fixed repayment date and carry a floating interest rate varying according to the prime date.

Fees and Charges

Interest rate 13% - 14.5% per annum for corporates
Facility fee 1% - 2% per annum (applicable only to corporate)

Project Loan / Tender Contract Loan

Providing a path to infrastructural solutions with smooth banking experience

AYA Bank finances companies for the development of large-scale construction (or) infrastructure projects granted by the government.

Features and Benefits

Easy and efficient application to increase the source of funds whenever you require

Able to maintain a competitive advantage in the market and opportunity of risk sharing

Can extend the debt capacity with the release of free cash flows

Fees and Charges

Interest rate 13% per annum
Service fee 1.5% per annum on pro-rata basis

Franchise Financing

Get simple, fast financing for your franchise business

Work with us to receive the type of financing you need to improve your franchised shop and expand business. Our non-revolving credit facility is granted to end-borrower for their franchise business establishment. AYA Bank facilitates finance to franchised customers with collaterals in return for borrowing funds.

Trade Financing

Looking for the solution to be a player
on the international trade and commerce stage?

Looking for the solution to be a player on the international trade and commerce stage?

AYA Bank provides a comprehensive solution for trade financing needs from import to export and invoice financing. We bridge the funding gap between paying suppliers and receiving customers for both domestic and international trade transactions. With our trade financing, corporates can mitigate non-payment risk and improve working capital efficiency.

Learn More

Secured Business Loan (Lien)

Let your hard-earned money help you grow your business

Do you need to refinance your business secured by collateral?

Get AYA secured business loan (Lien) to take advantage of a secure short term financing for your businesses. This will allow you to have more flexible qualification requirements and often offer lower interest rates. It need to be backed by your organization (or) company’s deposit account, as a collateral.

Features and Benefits

  • Loan Tenor is 1 month to 12 months
  • Loan amount is up to MMK 1,000 million (Maximum 80% of the cash guarantee amount)

Fees and Charges

  • Interest Rate is as low as 13% per annum
    (Interest payment is monthly (or) every three months)

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