
Have a quick look on non-financial performance of AYA Bank from different perspectives - roles, diversity, learning & growth for FY 2023-2024.

Gender Balance

Proportionate Retention by Position

Proportionate Retention by Position

Board Composition

Age Balance



Learning for All

Training Head Count

Training Head Count

Training Classification
(Training Count)

Training Hours

Training Classification
(Training Count)

Training Hours

Non-Financial KPI

AYA Bank uses following benchmarks and guidelines for better and more effective analysis on non-financial KPIs.

Category Key Non-Financial Measures


For the financial year 2023-2024,

  • Employee engagement : 2 Townhalls

  • Employee turnover rate : 8%

  • Employee absenteeism rate : 4.65%

  • Equal opportunity:

By Gender

Male 45%
Female 55%

By Age

Under 25 12%
25 to 34 64%
35 to 44 16%
45 to 54 6%
55 and above 1%
  • Disability: 0 Physically challenged person

  • Frequency rate / Fatality rate: 0 near miss, 0 LTI (Lost Time Injury)

  • Training: Provided training for over 1800 staff, total man-hours 3500

  • Appraisal: 1 performance review session per year,

  • Appraisal: 830 staffs (12% of the whole population) were promoted based on their performance

  • Health: We adhere to the maximum our Occupational Health & Safety (OHS) Rules to identify hazards and assess risks.


  • Philanthropic activities: Total expense for donation\philanthropy in FY 2023-2024 is MMK 1.46 billion.


  • Mandatory for all our suppliers and vendors to sign SCP (Supplier Code of Principles) which prevents and reduces negative environmental impact.

  • Ongoing with projects on Reducing paper usage, Save Energy, Recycle Bin as Internal Campaign to educate our AYA Staff to be aware of the risks and impact on the environment.

  • Waste : Promoted paperless and cashless services and directed to digitalization

  • For FY2023-2024, the Bank utilized

  • Electricity : Total expenditure MMK 1.48 billion for Head Office and 260 branches

  • Petrol : Total expenditure MMK 4.7 billion for Head Office and 260 branches

Supply Chain Management

  • ‘Purchasing Guidelines’ has been developed that requires ethical, efficient and accountable practices for sourcing and procuring goods and services

  • ‘Suppliers Code of Principle’ has been developed to ensure vendors’ commitment on labor rights and non-discrimination along with service or product contract.

Tax Contribution

We strongly believe that taxes are beneficial to society, essential part in help building a stronger nation and laying a better foundation for the future generation. The obligation of paying taxes play a crucial role towards the progress of humanity. Taxes help spur economic growth which in turn has a ripple effect on the country’s economy. AYA Bank is committed to pay tax annually in compliance with the country’s law. Our tax data are audited according to International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and published every year in Financial Statements and Annual Reports.

AYA Bank was honored among top 20 large taxpayers in Myanmar for six assessment years consecutively, from 2013-14 to 2018-19. AYA Bank makes every effort to certain that the tax declaration is accurate, transparent, and fair. We fulfill our responsibilities as a compliant taxpayer and refrain from tax evasion. From its inception since 2010, AYA Bank has contributed total amount of MMK 41.533 billion till FY 2019-2020 for tax payment.

Financial Year Income tax payment (in million kyat)
FY 2019 - 2020 8,614.70
FY 2018 - 2019 579.6
FY 2018 10,367.00
FY 2017 - 2018 5,731.00
FY 2016 - 2017 5,419.30
FY 2015 - 2016 2,634.60
FY 2014 - 2015 2,872.60
FY 2013 - 2014 3,002.50
FY 2012 - 2013 1,994.80
FY 2011 - 2012 300
FY 2010 - 2011 17.8