Corporate News

Achievement of Silver Award for Myanmar Employer Awards 2019

Posted on December 07, 2019

Myanmar Employer Awards 2019 was held on December 7th 2019 at Novetel Hotel, Yangon. Out of Local and international based business companies, AYA Bank, member of the AYA Financial Group, was proudly awarded with the Best Career Advancement Program-Silver Award and People’s Choice Award-Silver Award.

Among the awards received, we are proud to have been chosen for the “Best Career Advancement Program -Silver Award” which is, identical with the Program of AYA Bank, that is, to promote the quality needs of employees with modernized improvement programs.

In order to extend the best quality services to our customers, we believe that quality of employess must be fully endowed and hence , we are conducting training and nurturing them. In addition, We are again honored to be awarded with the “People’s Choice Award (Silver Award)” as it is chosen with majority votes of the people. We will never stop striving to uphold our best of service to our loyal customers although we achieved these awards as these awards empowers our employees to move forward with our partners of AYA Bank.