Corporate News

AYA Bank Offering Apprenticeship Opportunity

Posted on May 15, 2023

AYA Bank organized ‘National Apprenticeship Program’ in partnership with the National Management Acdemy (NMA) to shape the future of students with a wide range of opportunities to learn a specific skill in the financial services industry.

AYA Bank, represented by Daw Khine Swe Thaw, Head of Organization Development and NMA, represented by U Han Htoo, Managing Director has officially signed a partnership on 15th May, 2023, launching exclusive "National Apprenticeship Program.". This program offers aspiring young students and professionals a unique opportunity to work at AYA Bank while pursuing studies at NMA.

Selected apprentices from top ten students will gain hands-on experience in the banking industry and enjoy full employment facilities provided by AYA Bank. NMA will support their education by covering tuition fees, ensuring a well-rounded learning experience. The program spans 2 years, preparing apprentices for the final year of their bachelor's program and equipping them with valuable skills for your future career.

This programme is designed to bring highly qualified and motivated students with diverse backgrounds into the organization and gain valuable experiences.