Corporate News

MOU between Mandalay Smart Pay (MSP) and AYA Bank

Posted on March 14, 2020

A seamless digital mobile application known as Mandalay Smart Pay (MSP) was introduced for the citizens of Mandalay to enjoy payment online such as MCDC bills and other partnered payment outlets. A signing Ceremony on financial partnership between Mandalay Smart Pay (MSP) and AYA Bank was conducted in Mandalay on the 14th of March 2020 at the Mandalay Convention Center. The signing ceremony was attended, and the partnership agreement was signed by the Mandalay Mayor Dr. Ye Lwin and AYA Bank Managing Director U Myint Zaw. Mandalay Smart Pay (MSP) and AYA Bank will collaborate on financial digital payments for the benefit of the citizens of Mandalay.