Corporate News

Pioneering Green Financing for Electric Vehicles

Posted on May 11, 2023

AYA Bank has taken a significant step towards promoting sustainable transportation by partnering exclusively with Essential EV Authorized Distributor, a leading electric vehicle distributor. On 11th May, 2023, U Minn Wint Oo, Managing Director of AYA Bank, U Nay Lin Htut Chief Credit Officer of AYA Bank, and U Colin Magson, Director of Consumer Banking from AYA Bank proudly attended the signing ceremony which will enable accessible and eco-friendly mobility options for the community.

Key features of this initiative include:

·        AYA Green EV Financing: Offering attractive interest rates and flexible repayment options

·        AYA Sompo Insurance coverage

·        Hassle-free loan processing and quick approval

·        Dedicated customer support from our knowledgeable teams and dealers, and

·        Collaborative partnerships with dealerships for a seamless buying experience.


At AYA Bank, we firmly believe in the power of green financing to drive positive change and contribute to a sustainable future. Our partnership with Essential EV Authorized Distributor allows us to provide specialized financing solutions tailored specifically for electric vehicles, aligning with our commitment to support environmentally responsible initiatives.

Electric vehicles play a crucial role in reducing carbon emissions, improving air quality, and combating climate change. By offering EV financing loans, we aim to make electric vehicles more affordable and accessible to a wider range of customers, accelerating the transition to a greener and cleaner transportation sector.

This collaboration demonstrates AYA Bank’s ongoing commitment to sustainability and innovation. By embracing green financing, we drive positive impact, support the growth of the electric vehicle market, and contribute to the overall well-being of our planet.