Corporate News

Second Batch of Certified Branch Managers Program

Posted on July 18, 2023

AYA Bank has proudly wrapped up the second batch of ‘Certified Branch Managers Program’ for our 2ICs, who are the next person to lead the branch, with a special welcome and inspirational talk by our Founding Chairman, U Zaw. Esteemed guest speakers, Professor Dr. Aung Tun Thet and Daw Aye Aye Win also shared invaluable insights on key banking topics. As per the program agenda, our Executive Team led enlightening discussions, arming branch managers with effective strategies. The program aligned with our dedication to excellence, ongoing business evolution, and tackling market challenges.

Organized by People, Learning and Development teams, the comprehensive certification program evaluated managers across various criteria, highlighting our commitment to enhancing their expertise. Our People Division relentlessly fosters growth and achievement, underscoring our dedication to professional development. Through the blended curriculum, this program has provided a space for 2ICs to better understand themselves and their role as a manager. The program ended successfully with interactive learning and discussions and a plan for taking the key practices back into the organization and people.