Corporate News

Myanmar Center for Responsible Business (MRCB) published the Fifth Pwint Thit Sa Report/ Transparency in Myanmar Enterprises (TiME) on 30th April 2019. The assessment was a joint collaboration with Yever, the Business Consultancy Group, which provided their services free of charge and in good faith. In 2019 Pwint Thit Sa report, 248 Myanmar companies were assessed through online for their disclosure of information inclusive of, 5 public listed, 55 ‘public’ companies, 160 privately-owned companies and including 28 significant state-owned economic enterprises (SOEs) for the first time. This makes 2019 Pywint Thit Sa Report the most ambitious public report on business transparency. The report aims to support the objectives of 2018 sustainable development of Myanmar and to successfully accomplish sustainable development goal (especially SDG 16). Method of survey of 2019 Pwit Thit Sa Report is same as 2018’s. Scores are given based on the information posted on the websites of the assessed companies. Corporate contents, corporate governance , sustainable managment and reporting are measured with ASEAN Corporate Governance Scorecard Criteria. MRCB and Yever have given more scores on performance of sustainable managment in 2019 Report. Details of 2019 Pwint Thit Sa can be available. AYA Bank proudly stands on the Top (10) list of the Companies with highest scores of 2019 Pwint Thit Sa Report.

15 May 2019

A Memorandum of Understanding signing ceremony between AYA Bank and Smart Myanmar (A Project implemented by German Organization “Sequa”) was held on 30th January 2019 at 9 am at AYA Bank Limited (Headquarters), Yangon, aiming to jointly analyze environmental support projects that can provide financial services, to initiate pilot projects and to encourage more environmental loans programs in the coming years. 

At the ceremony , U Myint Zaw, Managing Director of AYA Bank, delivered a welcoming speech in which “ We are excited to support Green Financing in which businesses can thrive to create a greener environment and also is a new objective for us”. All invited dignitaries and distinguished guests attended the said ceremony. AYA Bank has been providing financing services such as AYA SME Loan and JICA Two Step Loan for SME Entrepreneurs. 

SME entrepreneurs can apply for AYA SME Loan with a loan tenure from 1 to 3 years with a maximum of  500 million Kyat in order to expand business and operate business as usual. With collateral free CGI (Loan Guarantee) system, AYA SME Loan and JICA Two Step Loan can be applied and obained through a loan guarantee services from USAID for myanmar insurance and agricultural sectors.


31 Jan 2019