CSR News

Ayeyarwady Foundation provides machinery for the conservation of Inle Lake for three years

Posted on June 10, 2020

In an effort to conserve the steady flow free from algae, garbage wastes, unwanted soil residues from forming, Ayeyarwady Foundation have contributed for three consecutive years for the conservation of  Inle Lake, one of top icons for Myanmar tourism and Myanmar environmental image, placed in the Shan Hills of Myanmar.

The foundation had steadily supported a multipurpose amphibian dredger‎ (HITACHI ZX210K-3 Amphibious Excavator) and a professional staff over three years to eliminate common emergence of aquatic weeds, such as water iris, bulrush, tule, cattail, and water-borne algae.

Along with the vision of conservation for Inle Lake, Ayeyarwady Foundation also supported to build connecting roads between thirty-four villages since 2016, which means supporting 800 million MMK for the costs of working process.