CSR News

CSR News    Year:2019

A ‘Global Environmental Information Display’ photo exhibition was taking place at Novotel Yangon Max Hotel, Yangon, from 12-9 December as a project of the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) under the title "Towards a Solution to Eliminate Plastic" with the objective of promoting public awareness of the problems caused by waste, which is one of the environmental issues today.

The opening ceremony of the Global Environmental Information Display, held on 9th December 9:00 am at Novotel Yangon Max Hotel, 4th floor, was attended by officials from J-UNEP, SRIREP, Executives from Max Myanmar Group and AYA Bank and other interested parties.

The photo exhibition, display for 4 days will present information and photos on environmental changes, is open to public. It was organized by Japan Association for United Nation Environmental Program (J-UNEP), Public Interest Incorporated Foundation Associates of the Earth (AOE), and Research Institute for Humanity and Nature (RIHN) and sponsored by Max Myanmar Group and AYA Bank.

09 Dec 2019

Charity is not about wealth. . .
We have things that we can donate that are more valuable than money. . .
The blood flowing through our body is invaluable as it can save the life of a person in need.

Blood donation is a noble donation and we can get many benefits, such as 
1. Reducing the incidence of cancer;
2. Supporting for weight loss;
3. Replenishment of blood;
4. Reducing cholesterol;
5. Boosting red blood cell production and
6. Mentally rejuvenated.

This year's blood donation program was held on 10th August, 2019, to commemorate the 9th anniversary of the establishment of AYA Bank. A total 271 employees of the Bank participated in the noble blood donation were provided with foodstuff necessary regain energy. In support of this program, 100 Plus Myanmar also donated drinks.

10 Aug 2019

Education program for drivers and passengers to comply with road safety rules such as driving at the specified speed on expressways and wearing seat belts was jointly organized by AYA Bank, AMI, AYA Trust, Max Myanmar and Max Highway on 7th July, 2019 at the Htauk Kyant Toll Gate from 7:30 AM to 9:00 AM.

This program includes applying reflective stickers to vehicles passing through the toll gates as an alert to avoid traffic accidents, sharing road safety knowledge to passengers and distributing key chains as gifts.

On 6th July 2019, road safety programs were also conducted at Mhawbi Toll Gate. The programs which benefit society will be extended in the future as well.

‘Your life is important and invaluable both for yourself and your family.’

Since driving during the rainy season is very dangerous, drive with care to keep others and yourself safe.


07 Jul 2019

AYA Bank actively participated in the community walk campaign organized by the Golden Rose Cancer Foundation under the guidance of the Ministry of Health and Sports and the Yangon Region Government, today to commemorate the World Cancer Day which falls on 4th February 2019.

The campaign entitled "I AM AND I WILL", organized by International Cancer Control Organization for 2019-2021 commemorative years, was included in the program held today with cancer awareness talk program.

At the ‘World Cancer Day’ community walk campaign more than 1,700 people from various organizations, including government and non-governmental organizations. As a trusted partner, AYA Bank actively participated in such activities for the benefit of the people.

04 Feb 2019