CSR News

Tree Planting Commemorates World Environment Day

Posted on June 02, 2023

In a world where flowers bloom and greens flourish, we embarked on a transformative journey to "Plant a Tree, Save the Environment." To celebrate World Environment Day on June 5th, 2023, AYA Bank organized a tree-planting initiative at the Pan Pyo Latt Philanthropic School (Monastery) in Bago Township.

Led by U Myint Zaw, Chief Executive Officer of AYA Bank, along with senior officials, 100 staff members actively participated in the campaign. Located just a short drive from Yangon city, this sanctuary embodies AYA Bank's commitment to environmental stewardship - AYA Bank Taking Action for a Greener Future.

Year after year, AYA Bank spearheads tree planting projects as an integral part of our annual initiatives. As part of our esteemed Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program, we proudly showcase our commitment to environmental conservation, recognizing the significant efforts of the revered monastery in preserving the lush green environment. Through this campaign, the bank pledges to plant a minimum of 1,000 trees each year, demonstrating our commitment to environmental conservation along our green journey. These endeavors reflect our unwavering dedication to preserving our natural resources and leaving a lasting legacy for future generations.

Spanning 100 acres, Pann Pyo Let Monastery stands as a remarkable testament to environmental stewardship. Within its grounds, a flourishing forest, captivating garden, and organic greens farm coexist in harmonious abundance. These vibrant landscapes exemplify sustainability and serve as a nurturing space for spiritual enlightenment and educational growth, as the monastery operates as a revered monastic school. Through the tree-planting campaign, we witnessed the monastery's unwavering dedication to environmental conservation.

"I am confident that this tree planting campaign will yield long-term benefits. I would like to take this opportunity to encourage everyone to plant trees within their surroundings, compounds, premises, and even consider indoor plants at their workspaces. AYA Bank is wholeheartedly committed to promoting a 'Green Environment' as a holistic endeavor, not just an isolated activity," expressed U Myint Zaw, Chief Executive Officer of AYA Bank.

Aligned with AYA Bank's commitment to sustainable development, this reforestation effort aims to safeguard the environment while fostering environmental consciousness among participants. Various perennial and shade-providing tree saplings, including Mahogany, Bamboo, Acacia, and Manjansha, were planted across designated areas, covering a total of one acre. The involvement of local communities adds an extra layer of significance as they will be responsible for monitoring and ensuring the long-term growth of the trees.

As flowers bloom and greens flourish, we envision a world where nature's beauty thrives, leaving a lasting impact on our planet.